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Quickly about me though. My name is Jason Ronnie and I am an absolute soccer fanatic. Youngest of 3, I picked up the family football gene at the age of 4. My dad was a former professional soccer player in the Apartheid regime and if it were not for the oppression he would have gone on to represent South Africa, or at least that’s what I’ve been told. My uncles and cousins were all involved in soccer so naturally it was a rite of passage for me. It started out as a part time hobby. A way to adequately use the excess energy that I had. My mom grew tired of chasing after me and said that it was time I used it productively. Before going to my first training session, I was hellbent against it. But you know the saying “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it” ? Well that is exactly what this is about. As soon as I kicked that first ball, it was magical. What proceeded was “organised chaos” – basically a whole bunch of kids of similar age chasing a ball with the end goal being us trying to kick it into the square goals at the end of the field. Whether it was in the running after a small ball on an open field, or the R10 I would get after I scored a goal or maybe, just maybe (I lean toward this option) it was the smell of the boerewors and the thought of spending my R10 on one after the game that did it, I just know that what started as a hobby morphed into an obsession.

The rest as they say is history. Countless practices, matches, trips to numerous stadiums, traveling to different continents for it, soccer has been and will always be a part of my life. So allow me to articulate and express an appreciation for a club from Cape Town who are as focused on playing football as they are with enacting positive change within communities. Ladies and gentleman (and that FBI agent reading this) : UBUNTU CAPE TOWN